Sustainable Jersey hub for Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Counties

Sustainable South Jersey Meetup

JOIN US for the next Sustainable South Jersey Meet Up, featuring 3 new "lightning talks," open mic time, delicious local food, and great conversation! BYOB. Collingswood Public Library: Monday, March 5th from 6-8pm! PLEASE COME OUT AND SHARE! Details WHAT WE'LL DO: 6:00pm: Doors open, chat and snack. 6:30pm: Engaging speakers presenting "Lightning (brief) Talks" […]


Organic Yard Care and Vegetable Gardening

Carmen Tilelli Hall 820 Mercer Street, Cherry Hill, NJ, United States

Presented by Keith Monahan, Master Gardener and Charles White, of SJ Organic Gardeners Club.  Learn how to grow your own organic veggies and how to maximize the use of your yard, counter the threat of weed resistance and do your part to protect “Planet Home”. Learn methods of organic lawncare, permaculture, and alternate land cover […]


Cereal Killer? Let’s Talk About It!

Collingswood Library 771 Haddon Avenue, Collingswood, NJ, United States

CEREAL KILLER? LET'S TALK ABOUT IT! Community discussion about carcinogenic chemicals in the food supply. If you are concerned about the recent study which revealed high levels of the herbicide glyphosate in many common packaged foods, come join the conversation.  Free and open to the public; bring a friend. Thursday, October 11 @ 7:00pm Collingswood […]


Introduction to Project Drawdown

Moorestown Library 111 West 2nd Street, Moorestown, United States

Learn how we can move forward to REVERSE global warming! In this 2 hour Introduction, we will begin to:  Learn - about some of the 80 best, currently-existing solutions to climate change.  Reflect - on the solutions that call to us the most.  Share - how, working together, we can move forward to a […]


Project DRAWDOWN: A Comprehensive Plan to REVERSE GLOBAL WARMING

Moorestown Library 111 West 2nd Street, Moorestown, United States

Is the Game Over or is it GAME ON? Pachamama Alliance’s Drawdown Workshop is an opportunity to explore new possibilities around global warming -- to get more educated, inspired, empowered – and, collaborating with others, to get into action. In this four-session workshop -- through videos, presentations, individual research, and group interaction -- we will delve into the […]


Project DRAWDOWN: A Comprehensive Plan to REVERSE GLOBAL WARMING

Moorestown Library 111 West 2nd Street, Moorestown, United States

Is the Game Over or is it GAME ON? Pachamama Alliance’s Drawdown Workshop is an opportunity to explore new possibilities around global warming -- to get more educated, inspired, empowered – and, collaborating with others, to get into action. In this four-session workshop -- through videos, presentations, individual research, and group interaction -- we will delve into the […]


Landscaping Architecture–Entryways and Front Yards

Carmen Tilelli Hall 820 Mercer Street, Cherry Hill, NJ, United States

With nationally-known landscape designer, Joe DeShayes. Horticultural Society of South Jersey monthly meeting.  Learn how to design a more gracious and inviting front yard and entrance. A list of his favorite plants  will be available  Free and open to the public. For more information, check the website or call 856-287-5959.


Project DRAWDOWN: A Comprehensive Plan to REVERSE GLOBAL WARMING

Moorestown Library 111 West 2nd Street, Moorestown, United States

Is the Game Over or is it GAME ON? Pachamama Alliance’s Drawdown Workshop is an opportunity to explore new possibilities around global warming -- to get more educated, inspired, empowered – and, collaborating with others, to get into action. In this four-session workshop -- through videos, presentations, individual research, and group interaction -- we will delve into the […]


Community Discussion on Fast Fashion

New Covenant Community Church Audubon 255 Edgewood Avenue, Audubon, NJ, United States

Come on out and meet Audubon resident and Moorestown High School Teacher Julia Ransom Mooney of the #OneOutfit100DaysProject.  Learn what 'Fast Fashion' is, the myths about recycling clothes, and excessive consumerism. Event is free and open to the public.
